Sunday, November 1, 2009

Weird Sunday

Today Doug flew to Iowa. He is making plans and preparing for the annual training in March that the soldiers are being sent to. Kallie and Owen handle the separation fairly well. They are always sure to ask, "How many days is Dad going to be gone?" or "Will Dad be gone for a long day?"

It's daylight savings time. Ugh. Why? An extra hour of sleep should be celebrated, NOPE, not in this house. It means an extra hour of play time in our jammies before breakfast.

It's fast Sunday so I know one of the Young Men will be knocking on my door before church starts. I'm sure to get dressed early so I'm not walking around in my undies when the doorbell rings. I was doing great, Emmett was napping, making it easier to get things together. Owen decides he is wearing a sweater vest and only a vest to church. He has a melt down when he learns that sleeves and pants are not optional. Kallie boycotts tights and throws a pair of denim shorts under her dress. "My legs won't det told mom," she says. I reply, "I'm glad you've put some thought into it."

An hour goes by and while I'm in the kitchen wiping off counters I hear Owen and Kallie SCREAMING at each other as if they are ticked off male cats fighting over a... I don't know...whatever cats fight over. It truly sounded like Kallie was having her head shaved and toes bend backwards. AWFUL!! It really scared me. So I race around the counter, down the hall, push open the door and shout, "WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?" They stop pushing and shoving each other but continue to bawl. It would have been laughable had there been mud but at this particular moment, when all was said and done, Kallie wanted to leave the bedroom with two post it notes that belonged to Owen and she wouldn't give them up. POST IT NOTES. I am calling the company to file a complaint. I'm sure that some of the ink from the sticky little memory joggers leached into both of my children via their skin and made them lose their minds. Then the doorbell rings and my neighbor is there on my porch wanting to collect fast offerings. I offered him two four year olds but he countered my offer with his nine year old daughter. No good.

Our stake had a devotional in the Priesthood room at the Manti Temple today. I made arrangements for the kids to play at the neighbors house so I could go. I get a call from the Bish (25 minutes before church starts) reminding me my recommend is expired. NO WAY! I know that I am super woman most of the time. I didn't even think to check the expiration date. The Bish invites me to hustle down to church early for an interview. So much for hair and make up. At least I made it through to wardrobe. So I have the kids hop in the truck hoping that they will follow orders in a timely fashion. Long story short, we get there, on time (divine intervention) my recommend is renewed, a friends baby is blessed, the kids get to have a break from mom for a few hours and I made it to the temple. Ahhhh. Good night.


  1. sorry about yesterday - you're doing great with your blog. And can I just say that little Emmett is the cutest kid.

  2. You have my permission to say Emmett is the cutest kid. We agree. Thanks Jenny. -Meliss

  3. Sounds like an adventurous day. Glad things worked out well.
