Sunday, November 1, 2009

Carving scary pumpkins and scooping out GUTS

The proud parents of "stary pungkins". Owen wanted his "pungkin" to sleep in his bedroom when Halloween was done. He asked me to tell him where I hid his pumpkin from last year. I said they get frozen, soft, squishy, moldy, stinky and shriveled and I threw it in the garbage. He asks why they get rotten. I say, "Good questing. I bet dad can tell you."

Emmett is always on task.

Just sitting around plotting and scheming.

Daddy took the job of carving the pumpkins very seriously.

Owen was busy squeezing the slimy guts.


  1. So fun! I love how excited they got over window clings.

    Do I spy that you've finished that third curtain?

  2. curtain NOT done. Maybe next year.
