Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Space Mud

Why not have the first post on our "Family Blog" be about SPACE MUD and fart sounds?

Today was the first time we have made "space mud". I have wanted to make this junk for as long as I have had the recipe book. It's a Spencer 6th Ward cookbook so I've had it almost ten years. Well, it was worth the wait. Kallie and Owen loved this stuff. They poured, measured and mixed all by themselves (Of course I was there supervising. Kallie said, "MOM, Let me do it BY MYSELF.")
Here is the recipe:

SPACE MUD (thanks Delone Hayes)

2 c white glue
1 1/2 c water at room temp
Food coloring, if desired
1 cup hot water
2 level Tbsp 20 Mule Team BORAX

Combine glue and room temperature water. Blend thoroughly. Add food coloring. In larger bowl, combine hot water and borax, stirring until borax is completely dissolved. Slowly pour glue mixture into borax mixture, stirring constantly. The borax mix doesn't mix in but does cause the glue mixture to react.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the first t o comment!! Your kids are so cute! Thanks for the recipe. I've heard of this stuff. I hope you hate blogging. ;)
